Maratha Navy

 Chhatrapati shivaji maharaj is the founder of indian navy.they organised navy in mid 17th century in india.

Muslim leader had not interested to built their navy before,because they had won decissively in land battle at the north side,therefore ingnor the built the navy.

When portugiz had came into the india and started the trade with western coastle,slowly slowly they controll this coastle region.portugiz had their own navy thats why it controll the western coastle region area.

Chhatrapati shivaji maharaj realize the importance of navy,he took a plan he was contruct the ships near to kalyan with the help of that time portugiz had good technology to built naval ships.Chhatrapati shivaji maharaj was construct the naval bases on the various coastle region in maharashtra.their navy was devided into the two flits ,one is under the command of admiral daulat khan and other was under the admiral mainak this navy there wad mostly konkani sailor was present,because of they live near to the sea 1659 ,Maratha navy constructed the 20 battle ships.

Portuguese naval officer Rui Leitão Viegas was hired as fleet commander, in part because the Maratha wanted to get insight into the Portuguese naval technology and capabilities. The Maratha knew the Portuguese had a powerful navy in that time. The Portuguese convinced their mercenary officers to leave the service of the Maratha; however, the Portuguese allied with the marathas  when the latter went to war against the mughals.

Marathas used thei navy in 1664 on the battle of surat ,he was also used their army in coordinate manner.after that he won the khanderi iseland near to mumbai in 1679,after that sidhhi and british repeatadly attacked on khanderi but maratha retaliate it,at the end it was unable to take the khanderi from maratha.

in 1674 ,portugiz sign a treaty with maratha as a friendship,because he knew the power of the maratha navy.after that maratha navy continuously grows on.Around this time, the Maratha Navy's strength was around 5,000 men and 57 warships.

in 1698 ,  kanhoji agre was the admiral in maratha navy,after that anandrav dhulap as a admiral of maratha navy.


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